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DCP Has Two Classrooms

24-25 Registration and Pricing

Selection of Sessions:

​Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.​ Member Registration begins February 1st. Open Registration for the community begins right after our annual February Open House. Our open house is Wednesday, February 7 from 5:30-7:30 and registration opens at 8pm that evening to new members. Delaware Cooperative Preschool is committed to providing students and families with equal opportunity to programs/education without discrimination based on race, color, veteran status, religion, national origin, political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, or age. Classes are offered based on a minimum enrollment size.



Membership Fee: $60 per family

Session Fees: 

TODDLER TIME: $634 for each session 

PRESCHOOL: $713 for each session
*Please see tuition examples provided.

Cleaning Fee: $30 per child


Background Check Fee: $65 per person if completed at DCP's Meet the Teacher Night. Once completed, a background check remains valid for 5 years if volunteering at least once every six months.


Withdrawal:  If you must withdraw your child, you must provide a 30-day written explanation for withdrawal and are responsible for paying tuition for 30 days following the notice. There will be no refunds after March 1st.


*Tuition Examples

Toddler Time Example: Toddler Time is designed to be a 1-day a week experience. 1 day / 1 session=  $634 yearly. 


Preschool Example 1: 

You select a 3 day a week schedule (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), which equals 3 sessions. TUITION: 3 sessions x $713= $2,139 yearly.


Preschool Example 2: 

You wish for your child to have a full-day preschool experience. You select Tuesday and Thursday morning and afternoon (9:15AM -2:15PM), which would equal 4 sessions. TUITION: 4 sessions x $713= $2,852 yearly.


55 W. Lincoln Ave. Delaware, OH 43015

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