Committees & Duties
Committee Chair
Roles & Responsibilities
Sets tone for the committee work
Ensures that members have the information needed to do their jobs
Oversees the logistics of the committee's operations
Reports actions to the Volunteer Coordinator before each Board meeting.
Reports to the full Board on committee's decisions/recommendations as needed
Assigns work to the committee members
Maintains/updates the committee chair binder and returns to Volunteer Coordinator at the end of the school year.
Purpose: Provide opportunities that facilitate relationship building between families and staff
Composition: 2 chairs and at least 5 members
Purpose: Advertise Delaware Cooperative Preschool to the community to ensure strong enrollment
Composition: 1 chair and at least 3 members
Purpose: Raise and manage funds to support preschool programming Composition: 2 chairs and at least 8 members
Purpose: Manage a cleaning program for the preschool so that children have a clean environment for learning
Composition: 1 chair and at least 3 members
Purpose: further DCP’s mission of providing quality educational opportunities for young children and their families
Composition: 2 chairs and at least 3 members
Purpose: Assist with development and implementation of technology that will benefit the school
Composition: At least 1 member
Purpose: Maintain DCP equipment
Composition: 1 chair and 2 or more members
Social Committee
Spring Teacher Appreciation Week (first week of May)
1 first semester and 1 second semester social family event
1 first semester and 1 second semester parent event
End of year teacher and board member recognition (April/May)
Staff recognition for significant life events as needed (i.e. birthdays, bereavement, retirement, birth, years of service). Please check with the teachers as to years of service as we would like to recognize 10, 20, 30 years of service.
Prepare material to advertise events and work directly with Vice President and/or webmaster to deliver via email and private Facebook group
Create electronic invites and/or signup forms for events to ensure funds are maximized
Advertising Committee
Maintain DCP’s visibility in the community
Maintain and update DCP sign (place outside to welcome students and families and to announce open house, fundraisers, enrollment period, etc)
February Open House - Develop an advertising campaign to promote the school open house (Jan/Feb)
Work directly with Vice President and/or webmaster to execute open house advertising campaign via:
School website-
DCP public Facebook page
DCP email blast system
DCP private Facebook group
Delaware based Facebook groups
Electronic flyer (PDF) to be shared with current cooperative members
Work with DCP’s Social Media Coordinator to advertise to prospective members on the public school Facebook page as enrollment numbers dictate
Fundraising Committee
Determine appropriate fundraising campaigns to meet annual goals (September)
Assess vendor relationships as part of DCP's overall financial health
Present recommendations to the Board (October)
Carry out all fundraising
Practice financial responsibility when working with funds
Communicate with families regarding ways to support the school financially, including passive income streams such as Kroger Rewards. Advertise renewal sign ups.
Organize and implement Scholastic book ordering and cooperate with teachers to determine use of rewards
Plan, organize, and implement the annual spring fundraiser. (October - February)
Cleaning Committee
Create/manage a cleaning schedule for parents
Communicate the cleaning schedule to all necessary parties (September/update at GMMs)
Evaluate and report all cleaning supply needs to the board (August/September)
Ensure that the school is cleaned on a regular basis
Educational Programming Committee
Note: all enrichment opportunities should be scheduled with the best attempt at reaching the most families possible
Organize and implement one fall and one spring field trip tied to teacher input and Early Learning and Development Standards (October/May)
Organize and implement one fall and one spring parenting education experience (September/April)
Support teachers in accomplishing instructional goals
Recruit parents to share knowledge in the classroom
Organize one fall and one spring in-class enrichment experience for students (November/March)
Provide volunteer coordinator or secretary with flyer to maintain and update bulletin boards
Work with Vice President and/or webmaster to communicate all events to the cooperative membership via school email
Share all events with cooperative membership via private Facebook group
Technology/ Finance Committee
Keep public Facebook page updated weekly with advertisements, local events, etc.
Be available as a technology resource
Support DCP members with new technology experiences
Price compare and advise in the purchasing of new equipment as needed
Take or collect photographs of events and classroom activities. Organize photos with music to make a slideshow/DVD as needed for promotional purposes.
Maintenance Committee
Clean outside equipment in play area regularly
Keep playground balls pumped-up throughout the year
Fix or paint classroom shelving per request of the teachers
Fix any DCP equipment per request of the teachers
Assist with set up and clean up after primary spring fundraiser